2019 season
Champions: Lewis
Team | MIVA | Overall | MB |
1. Lewis | 13-1 | 26-6 | — |
2. Loyola | 12-2 | 21-8 | -1 |
3. Purdue Fort Wayne | 8-6 | 17-12 | -5 |
4. McKendree | 7-7 | 13-13 | -6 |
5. Ball State | 6-8 | 15-15 | -7 |
T-6. Lindenwood | 5-9 | 9-19 | -8 |
T-6. Ohio State | 5-9 | 10-19 | -8 |
8. Quincy | 0-14 | 5-23 | -13 |
MIVA Player of the Year
Matt Yoshimoto, Lewis
MIVA Freshman of the Year
Ryan Serrano, McKendree
MIVA Co-Coach of the Year
Dan Friend, Lewis
Nickie Sanlin, McKendree
First-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Michael Keegan, Purdue Fort Wayne
Setter: Matt Yoshimoto, Lewis
Setter: Garrett Zolg, Loyola
Opposite: Jake Hanes, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Ryan Coenen, Lewis
Outside attacker: Collin Mahan, Loyola
Outside attacker: Matt Szews, Ball State
Outside attacker: Pelegrin Vargas, Purdue Fort Wayne
Middle attacker: Wyatt Dimke, McKendree
Middle attacker: Blake Leeson, Ohio State
Middle attacker: Tyler Mitchem, Lewis
Libero: Michael Simmons, Lewis
Second-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Adam Brewster, Lindenwood
Setter: Ryan Serrano, McKendree
Opposite: Zach Schnittker, McKendree
Outside attacker: Julian Moses, Lewis
Outside attacker: Will Tischler, Loyola
Outside attacker: Omari Wheeler, Quincy
Middle attacker: Richie Diedrich, Purdue Fort Wayne
Middle attacker: Connor Hipelius, Lindenwood
Middle attacker: TJ Murray, Lewis
Middle attacker: Paul Narup, Loyola
Middle attacker: Parker Swartz, Ball State
Libero: Avery Aylsworth, Loyola
MIVA All–Freshman Team
Setter: Ryan Serrano, McKendree
Opposite: Luke Denton, Loyola
Outside attacker: Kaleb Jenness, Ball State
Outside attacker: Diego Negron, Lindenwood
Outside attacker: Phil Swartz, Lindenwood
Middle attacker: Ethan Talley, Ohio State
Libero: Noam Hannoun, Quincy
MIVA All-Tournament Team
Setter: Matt Yoshimoto, Lewis
Opposite: Colton Stone, Purdue Fort Wayne
Opposite: Zach Schnittker, McKendree
Outside attacker: Ryan Coenen, Lewis
Outside attacker: Collin Mahan, Loyola
Outside attacker: Julian Moses, Lewis
Middle attacker: Paul Narup, Loyola
Tournament MVP: Julian Moses, Lewis
2018 season
Champions: Ohio State
Team | MIVA | Overall | MB |
T-1. Ohio State | 11-3 | 25-6 | — |
T-1. Loyola | 11-3 | 23-7 | — |
3. Ball State | 10-4 | 18-12 | -1 |
4. Lewis | 9-5 | 19-11 | -2 |
5. Fort Wayne | 6-8 | 18-11 | -5 |
6. McKendree | 6-8 | 11-15 | -5 |
7. Lindenwood | 3-11 | 9-16 | -8 |
8. Quincy | 0-14 | 12-19 | -11 |
MIVA Player of the Year
Nicolas Szerszen, Ohio State
MIVA Freshman of the Year
Garrett Zolg, Loyola
MIVA Coach of the Year
Mark Hulse, Loyola
First-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Sanil Thomas, Ohio State
Setter: Garrett Zolg, Loyola
Opposite: Ricky Gevis, Loyola
Outside attacker: Ryan Coenen, Lewis
Outside attacker: Maxime Hervoir, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Collin Mahan, Loyola
Outside attacker: Nicolas Szerszen, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Pelegrin Vargas, Fort Wayne
Middle attacker: Jeff Jendryk, Loyola
Middle attacker: Brendan Schmidt, McKendree
Middle attacker: Matt Walsh, Ball State
Libero: Michael Simmons, Lewis
Second-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Adam Brewster, Lindenwood
Setter: Michael Keegan, Fort Wayne
Setter: Jake Romano, Ball State
Setter: Matt Yoshimoto, Lewis
Opposite: Jake Hanes, Ohio State
Opposite: Mitch Perinar, Lewis
Outside attacker: Nolan Rueter, McKendree
Outside attacker: Mitch Weiler, Ball State
Middle attacker: Tomas Gago, Fort Wayne
Middle attacker: Blake Leeson, Ohio State
Middle attacker: Tyler Mitchem, Lewis
Libero: Ryan Vorderer, Lindenwood
MIVA All-Freshman Team
Setter: Garrett Zolg, Loyola
Opposite: Jake Hanes, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Ben Chinnici, Ball State
Outside attacker: Patrick Ross, McKendree
Middle attacker: Tomas Gago, Fort Wayne
Middle attacker: Tyler Mitchem, Lewis
Middle attacker: TJ Murray, Lewis
2017 season
Champions: Ohio State
Team | MIVA | Overall | MB |
1. Ohio State | 16-0 | 32-2 | — |
2. Lewis | 13-3 | 23-7 | -3 |
3. Grand Canyon | 11-5 | 19-11 | -5 |
4. Ball State | 9-7 | 19-10 | -7 |
5. Loyola | 9-7 | 16-12 | -7 |
6. McKendree | 6-10 | 11-19 | -10 |
7. Lindenwood | 4-12 | 5-19 | -12 |
8. Quincy | 2-14 | 7-21 | -14 |
9. Fort Wayne | 2-14 | 5-23 | -14 |
MIVA Player of the Year
Nicolas Szerszen, Ohio State
MIVA Co-Freshman of the Year
Ryan Coenen, Lewis
Matt Szews, Ball State
MIVA Coach of the Year
Pete Hanson, Ohio state
First-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Christy Blough, Ohio State
Setter: Matt Yoshimoto, Lewis
Opposite: Miles Johnson, Ohio State
Opposite: Mitch Perinar, Lewis
Outside attacker: Ryan Coenen, Lewis
Outside attacker: Nicolas Szerszen, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Matt Szews, Ball State.
Middle attacker: Jeff Jendryk, Loyola
Middle attacker: Matt Walsh, Ball State
Libero: Michael Simmons, Lewis
Second-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Connor Gross, Ball State
Opposite: Ben Plaisted, Loyola
Opposite: Maalik Walker, McKendree
Outside attacker: Collin Mahan, Loyola
Outside attacker: Cullen Mosher, Grand Canyon
Middle attacker: Driss Guessous, Ohio State
Middle attacker: Jarrod Kelso, Quincy
Middle attacker: Wyatt Patterson, McKendree
Middle attacker: Drake Silbernagel, Grand Canyon
Libero: Gabriel Domecus, Ohio State
MIVA All-Freshmen Team
Setter: Ian Cowen, Loyola
Outside attacker: Kyle Bugee, Lewis
Outside attacker: Ryan Coenen, Lewis
Outside attacker: Matt Szews, Ball State
Outside attacker: Pelegrin Vargas, Fort Wayne
Middle attacker: Sam Schindler, Lindenwood
Libero: Nick Lavanchy, Ball State
All-MIVA Honorable Mention
Setter: Pasquale Fiduccia, McKendree
Setter: Michael Milstein, Grand Canyon
Opposite: Brendan Surane, Ball State
Outside attacker: Pelegrin Vargas, Fort Wayne
Middle attacker: Maxime Hervoir, Ohio State
Middle attacker: Connor Hipelius, Lindenwood
Middle attacker: Sam Schindler, Lindenwood
Middle attacker: Brendan Schmidt, McKendree
Middle attacker: Jacob Schmiegelt, Lewis
Libero: Sky Engleman, Grand Canyon
MIVA All-Tournament Team
Christy Blough, Ohio State
Nicolas Szerszen, Ohio State
Michael Milstein, Grand Canyon
Drake Silbernagel, Grand Canyon
Matt Walsh, Ball State
Jacob Schmiegelt, Lewis
Tournament MVP: Miles Johnson, Ohio State
2016 season
Champions: Ohio State
Team | MIVA | Overall | MB |
1. Ohio State | 15-1 | 31-2 | — |
2. Loyola | 12-4 | 20-8 | -3 |
3. Ball State | 12-4 | 20-9 | -3 |
4. Lewis | 10-6 | 19-13 | -5 |
5. Grand Canyon | 8-8 | 17-12 | -7 |
6. McKendree | 5-11 | 11-14 | -10 |
7. Quincy | 4-12 | 18-23 | -11 |
8. IPFW | 3-13 | 10-19 | -12 |
9. Lindenwood | 3-13 | 5-17 | -12 |
MIVA Player of the Year
Nicolas Szerszen, Ohio State
MIVA Freshman of the Year
Mitch Perinar, Lewis
MIVA Coach of the Year
Pete Hanson, Ohio State
First-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Christy Blough, Ohio State
Setter: Peter Hutz, Loyola
Opposite: Andrew Sellan, IPFW
Opposite: Miles Johnson, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Gerrard Lipscombe, Grand Canyon
Outside attacker: Shalev Saada, Grand Canyon
Outside attacker: Nicolas Szerszen, Ohio State
Middle attacker: Jeff Jendryk, Loyola
Middle attacker: Bobby Walsh, Lewis
Libero: Luis Bertran, IPFW
Second-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Scott Fifer, Lewis
Opposite: Mitch Perinar, Lewis
Outside attacker: Christian Franceschi, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Trevor Novotny, Loyola
Outside attacker: Brendan Surane, Ball State
Middle attacker: Jarrod Kelso, Quincy
Middle attacker: Nicholas Olson, Loyola
Middle attacker: Jacob Schmiegelt, Lewis
Middle attacker: Matt Walsh, Ball State
Libero: Gabriel Domecus, Ohio State
All-MIVA Honorable Mention
Setter: Hiago Garchet, Ball State
Outside attacker: Mitch Weiler, Ball State
Opposite: Jack Gamache, Quincy
Opposite: Jared Wilcox, McKendree
Opposite: Trevor Weiskircher, Lewis
Outside attacker: Alex Harthaller, IPFW
Outside attacker: Collin Mahan, Loyola
Middle attacker: Blake Leeson, Ohio State
Middle attacker: Wyatt Patterson, McKendree
Middle attacker: Brendan Schmidt, McKendree
Libero: Jake Selsky, Loyola
Libero: Adam Wessel, Ball State
MIVA All-Tournament Team
Christy Blough, Ohio State
Miles Johnson, Ohio State
Mitch Perinar, Lewis
Bobby Walsh, Lewis
Ben Plaisted, Loyola
Brendan Schmidt, McKendree
Tournament MVP: Nicolas Szerszen, Ohio State
2015 season
Champions: Loyola
Team | MIVA | Overall | MB |
1. Lewis | 15-1 | 27-4 | — |
2. Loyola | 14-2 | 28-2 | -1 |
3. Ohio State | 11-5 | 22-9 | -4 |
4. IPFW | 8-8 | 18-12 | -7 |
5. Lindenwood | 7-9 | 13-12 | -8 |
6. Ball State | 6-10 | 13-16 | -9 |
7. Quincy | 5-11 | 13-15 | -10 |
8. Grand Canyon | 5-11 | 14-17 | -12 |
9. McKendree | 1-15 | 11-19 | -12 |
MIVA Player of the Year
Thomas Jaeschke, Loyola
MIVA Freshman of the Year
Nicolas Szerszen, Ohio State
MIVA Coach of the Year
Dan Friend, Lewis
First-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Peter Hutz, Loyola
Opposite: Eric Fitterer, Lewis
Opposite: Colin Hackworth, Lindenwood
Outside attacker: Michael Henchy, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Thomas Jaeschke, Loyola
Outside attacker: Geoff Powell, Lewis
Outside attacker: Greg Petty, Lewis
Outside attacker: Nicolas Szerszen, Ohio State
Middle attacker: Bobby Walsh, Lewis
Libero: Lucas Yanez, Lewis
Second-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Scott Fifer, Lewis
Setter: Omar Rivera, IPFW
Opposite: Jack Gamache, Quincy
Opposite: Andrew Sellan, IPFW
Outside attacker: Cody Caldwell, Loyola
Outside attacker: Alex Harthaller, IPFW
Outside attacker: Miles Johnson, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Ryan Mather, Grand Canyon
Middle attacker: Jeff Jendryk, Loyola
Libero: Luis Bertran, IPFW
MIVA All-Tournament Team
Jacob Schmiegelt, Lewis
Eric Fitterer, Lewis
Geoff Powell, Lewis
Peter Hutz, Loyola
Cody Caldwell, Loyola
Ricky Gevis, Loyola
Tournament MVP: Thomas Jaeschke, Loyola
2014 season
Champions: Loyola
Team | MIVA | Overall | MB |
1. Loyola | 14-0 | 29-1 | — |
2. Lewis | 11-3 | 23-8 | -3 |
3. Ball State | 10-4 | 22-8 | -4 |
4. IPFW | 9-5 | 21-7 | -5 |
5. Ohio State | 6-8 | 11-16 | -8 |
6. Lindenwood | 4-10 | 19-13 | -10 |
7. Grand Canyon | 2-12 | 14-18 | -12 |
8. Quincy | 0-14 | 13-19 | -14 |
MIVA Player of the Year
Thomas Jaeschke, Loyola
MIVA Freshman of the Year
Driss Guessous, Ohio State
MIVA Coach of the Year
Shane Davis, Loyola
First-Team All-MIVA
Setter: BJ Boldog, Lewis
Opposite: Geoff Powell, Lewis
Opposite: Andrew Sellan, IPFW
Outside attacker: Cody Caldwell, Loyola
Outside attacker: Thomas Jaeschke, Loyola
Outside attacker: Ben Ponnet,Grand Canyon
Outside attacker: Joe Smalzer, Loyola
Middle attacker: Driss Guessous,Ohio State
Middle attacker: Matt Leske, Ball State
Libero: David Ryan Vander Meer, Ball Stat
Second-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Graham McIlvaine, Ball State
Setter: Omar Rivera, IPFW
Outside attacker: Colin Hackworth, Lindenwood
Outside attacker: Andrew Lutz, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Greg Petty, Lewis
Outside attacker: Eddie Rivera, IPFW
Middle attacker: Nicholas Olson,Loyola
Middle attacker: Kevin Owens, Ball State
Middle attacker: Bobby Walsh, Lewis
Libero: Lucas Yanez, Lewis
MIVA All-Tournament Team
Cody Caldwell, Loyola
Peter Jasaitis, Loyola
Peter Hutz, Loyola
Joseph Smalzer, Loyola
Geoff Powell, Lewis
Bobby Walsh, Lewis
Bj Boldog, Lewis
Tournament MVP: Joseph Smalzer, Loyola
2013 season
Champions: Loyola
Team | MIVA | Overall | MB |
T-1. Lewis | 10-4 | 26-7 | — |
T-1. Loyola | 10-4 | 22-10 | — |
T-3. Ball State | 9-5 | 21-6 | -1 |
T-3. Ohio State | 9-5 | 19-8 | -1 |
5. Grand Canyon | 7-7 | 17-15 | -3 |
T-6. IPFW | 5-9 | 13-13 | -5 |
T-6. Lindenwood | 5-9 | 19-12 | -5 |
8. Quincy | 1-13 | 10-21 | -9 |
MIVA Player of the Year
Joseph Smalzer, Loyola
MIVA Freshman of the Year
Thomas Jaeschke, Loyola
MIVA Coach of the Year
Joel Walton, Ball State
First-Team All-MIVA
Setter: BJ Boldog, Lewis
Outside attacker: Jamion Hartley, Ball State
Outside attacker: Michael Henchy, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Greg Herceg, Ball State
Outside attacker: Thomas Jaescke, Loyola
Outside attacker: Geoff Powell, Lewis
Outside attacker: Eddie Rivera, IPFW
Outside attacker: Joseph Smalzer, Loyola
Middle attacker: Kevin Owens, Ball State
Libero: Brennan Anderson, Ohio State
Libero: Tommy Rouse, Ball State
Second-Team All-MIVA
Outside attacker: Colin Hackworth, Lindenwood
Outside attacker: Andrew Lutz, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Ryan Mather, Grand Canyon
Outside attacker: Jay Petty, Lewis
Outside attacker: Ben Ponnet, Grand Canyon
Outside attacker: John Tholen, Ohio State
Middle attacker: Matt Leske, Ball State
Middle attacker: Scott Siwicki, Lindenwood
Middle attacker: Bobby Walsh, Lewis
MIVA All-Tournament Team
Joseph Smalzer, Loyola
Thomas Jaeschke, Loyola
Cody Caldwell, Loyola
Geoff Powell, Lewis
Eric Fitterer, Lewis
BJ Boldog, Lewis
Jay Petty, Lewis
Tournament MVP: Joseph Smalzer, Loyola
2012 season
Champions: Lewis
Team | MIVA | Overall | MB |
T-1. Ohio State | 9-3 | 21-9 | — |
T-1. Lewis | 9-3 | 26-7 | — |
3. Loyola | 8-4 | 19-12 | -3 |
T-4. Grand Canyon | 5-7 | 15-17 | -4 |
T-4. Ball State | 5-7 | 13-12 | -4 |
T-4. IPFW | 5-7 | 13-15 | -4 |
7. Quincy | 1-11 | 17-15 | -8 |
MIVA Player of the Year
Shawn Sangrey, Ohio State
MIVA Freshman of the Year
Geoff Powell, Lewis
MIVA Coach of the Year
Jeremy Price, Grand Canyon
First-Team All-MIVA
Setter: BJ Boldog, Lewis
Opposite: Shawn Sangrey, Ohio State
Opposite: Joseph Smalzer, Loyola
Outside attacker: Mike Bunting, Loyola
Outside attacker: Ivan Matos, IPFW
Outside attacker: Jay Petty, Lewis
Outside attacker: Ben Ponnet, Grand Canyon
Middle attacker: Aaron Flick, Lewis
Libero: Mik Berzins, Ohio State
Libero: Trent Bruns, Grand Canyon
Libero: Peter Jasaitis, Loyola
Second-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Peter Heinen, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Dainis Berzins, Loyola
Outside attacker: Eddie Rivera, IPFW
Middle attacker: Steven Battaglia, Quincy
Middle attacker: Matt Gallcik, Lewis
Middle attacker: Matt Leske, Ball State
Middle attacker: Ryan Mather, Grand Canyon
Middle attacker: Kevin Owens, Ball State
Middle attacker: John Tholen, Ohio State
MIVA All-Tournament Team
Jay Petty, Lewis
Aaron Flick, Lewis
BJ Boldog, Lewis
Geoff Powell, Lewis
Shawn Sangrey, Ohio State
Michael Henchy, Ohio State
John Tholen, Ohio State
Tournament MVP: Jay Petty
2011 season
Champions: Ohio State
Team | MIVA | Overall | MB |
1. Ohio State | 11-1 | 26-6 | — |
2.Loyola | 9-3 | 21-8 | -2 |
T-3. Ball State | 7-5 | 19-11 | -4 |
T-3. Lewis | 7-5 | 20-11 | -4 |
5. IPFW | 5-7 | 16-12 | -7 |
6. Quincy | 3-9 | 22-14 | -8 |
7. Grand Canyon | 0-12 | 8-24 | -10 |
MIVA Player of the Year
Steven Kehoe, Ohio State
MIVA Freshman of the Year
Joseph Smalzer, Loyola
MIVA Coach of the Year
Pete Hanson, Ohio State
First-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Steven Kehoe, Ohio State
Opposite: Shawn Sangrey, Ohio State
Opposite: Joseph Smalzer, Loyola
Outside attacker: Mike Bunting, Loyola
Outside attacker: John Klanac, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Jay Petty, Lewis
Outside attacker: Darryl Shank, IPFW
Middle attacker: Kevin Heine, Ohio State
Middle attacker: Anders Nelson, Ball State
Libero: Trent Bruns, Grand Canyon
Libero: Tommy Rouse, Ball State
Second-Team All-MIVA
Setter: BJ Boldog, Lewis
Setter: Mike Hutz, Loyola
Outside attacker: Eddie Rivera, IPFW
Outside attacker: Larry Wrather, Ball State
Middle attacker: Aaron Flick. Lewis
Middle attacker: Corey Frain, IPFW
Middle attacker: Matt Gallik, Lewis
Middle attacker: J.D. Gasparovic, Ball State
Middle attacker: Kyle Volstad, Quincy
MIVA All-Tournament Team
Steven Kehoe, Ohio State
Shawn Sangrey, Ohio State
John Klanac, Ohio State
Jason Tobkin, Ohio State
Joseph Smalzer, Loyola
Mike Bunting, Loyola
Most Outstanding Player: Steven Kehoe, Ohio State
2010 season
Champions: Ohio State
Team | MIVA | Overall | MB |
1. Ohio State | 11-1 | 22-8 | — |
2.Loyola | 10-2 | 20-6 | -1 |
T-3. Lewis | 7-5 | 19-10 | -4 |
T-3. Ball State | 7-5 | 19-11 | -4 |
5. IPFW | 4-8 | 12-17 | -7 |
6. Quincy | 2-10 | 15-18 | -7 |
7. Grand Canyon | 1-11 | 14-26 | -10 |
MIVA Player of the Year
Steven Kehoe, Ohio State
MIVA Freshman of the Year
Ian Karbiener, Lewis
MIVA Co-Coaches of the Year
Shane Davis, Loyola
Pete Hanson, Ohio State
First-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Steven Kehoe, Ohio State
Setter: Mike Hutz, Loyola
Opposite: Shawn Sangrey, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Kris Berzins, Loyola
Outside attacker: Mike Bunting, Loyola
Outside attacker: Mike Iandolo, Lewis
Outside attacker: John Klanac, Ohio State
Outside attacker: Darryl Shank, IPFW
Middle attacker: J.D. Gasparovic, Ball State
Libero: Billy Ebel, Ball State
Second-Team All-MIVA
Setter: Ethan Pheister, Ball State
Opposite: Ian Karbiener, Lewis
Outside attacker: Domenic Dewaele, Loyola
Outside attacker: Brock Hutchins, Grand Canyon
Outside attacker: Nathan Klaas, Lewis
Middle attacker: Matt Gallik, Lewis
Middle attacker: Kevin Heine, Ohio State
Middle attacker: Oliver Kook, IPFW
Middle attacker: Anders Nelson, Ball State
Libero: Trent Bruns, Grand Canyon
MIVA All-Tournament Team
Steven Kehoe, Ohio State
Shawn Sangrey, Ohio State
John Klanac, Ohio State
Mike Hutz, Loyola
Mike Bunting, Loyola
Kris Berzins, Loyola
Most Outstanding Player: Ted Schoenfeldt, Ohio State