2019 NORCECA Continental Championship final standings and rankings

Photo courtesy of the NORCECA and FIVB

Check out all the final tournament standings from the 2019 NORCECA Continental Championship and all the individual award winners from the international tournament.

NORCECA Continental Championship final rankings

Place Record Points
y-1 Cuba 5-1
z-2 United States 4-1
x-3 Canada 4-1
x-4 Mexico 3-3
x-5 Puerto Rico 2-3
6 Dominican Republic 2-4
7 Guatemala 0-4
w-8 Suriname 0-3

z — Previously clinched Olympic berth
y — Clinched berth to NORCECA Olympic Qualification Tournament as host nation
x — Clinched berth to NORCECA Olympic Qualification Tournament
w — Withdrew from tournament

Tournament awards

Award Winner
Most Valuable Player iguel Ángel López, Cuba
Best Scorer Henry Tapia, Dominican Rep.
Best Outside Attacker TJ DeFalco, USA
Second-Best Outside Attacker Timothy Maar, Canada
Best Opposite Maurice Torres, Puerto Rico
Best Server Osniel Melgarejo, Cuba
Best Setter Luis García, Puerto Rico
Best Blocker Roamy Alonso, Cuba
Second-Best Blocker Jeff Jendryk, USA
Best Libero Kyle Dagostino, USA
Best Digger Kyle Dagostino, USA
Best Receiver Jesus Rangel, Mexico

U.S. match results

Group B matches
United States def. Dominican Republic 25-14, 25-17, 25-14
United States def. Guatemala 25-22, 25-21, 26-24
United States def. Cuba 25-17, 25-21, 25-22


United States def. Mexico 25-18, 25-16, 25-23

Gold-medal match
Cuba def. United States 25-18, 21-25, 25-20, 25-20

NORCECA Continental Championship bracket