Audio: Barton coach Lennox discusses advancing to ConfCarolinas finals

Barton is heading to the ConfCarolinas Tournament finals with a chance to make it back-to-back championships.

First-year starting setter Oscar Florentino had 53 assists and led the offense to a .352 attack percentage as Barton defeated Mount Olive 27-25, 24-26, 25-20, 25-19 in the ConfCarolinas Tournament semifinals on Friday in Bristol, Tennessee.


Barton hit more than .400 in all three games it won and held Mount Olive for the match to a .167 attack percentage.

Outside attacker Vasilis Mandilaris led Barton with 15 kills on a .407 attack percentage. In addition, outside attacker Aleksa Brkovic had 14 kills and hit .357, while opposite Angelos Mandilaris contributed 15 kills.

The Bulldogs are one win away from becoming the first repeat ConfCarolinas champion since the conference began receiving an automatic bid to the NCAA Tournament in 2014. Barton will play King in a conference tournament finals featuring the two teams that ended the regular season tied for first place.

Check out Off the Block’s interview with Barton coach Jeff Lennox after his team’s conference tournament semifinals victory.