Video: Highlights from Olympic Day at Dallas Sports Festival

[Editor’s note: Off the Block is partnering with Ball State at the Games to provide the volleyball community with in-depth coverage of the U.S. Men’s National Team as it competes for an Olympic gold medal. The following is from Ball State at the Games.]

As a part of the 10-day Dallas Sports Festival, Team USA hosted Olympic Day on Friday at the Dallas Convention Center. The seven-hour event included autograph signings with the U.S. Men’s Volleyball National Team and U.S. fencing teams along with activities for kids, vendors from the city and sitting volleyball.

Check out the video highlights of the event. Music courtesy of


Ball State at the Games is a journalism class at Ball State University that will have students gain real-world experience by traveling to Rio de Janeiro to cover the Olympics on-site. This will be the third Olympics that Ball State at the Games will cover, but it is the first games that the class’ primary focus will be covering volleyball.